The St. Joseph Catholic Church Outreach Ministry was established in its present form at the beginning of the 21st century to extend aid to the poor, the homeless, the destitute and those who have suffered misfortunes. The service region previously consisted of mostly rural communities in Pender, Duplin and northern New Hanover counties; however, effective April 17, 2014 the service region will primarily be the western half of Pender County and portions of Duplin County not currently being served by similar outreach services. Persons in any of the Outreach Ministry’s programs from areas outside of the newly defined service region may be “grandfathered” into their programs. Through this Ministry, parishioners of St. Joseph Catholic Church transform the commandments and teachings of Christ into actions that are demonstrative of their Christian love for their neighbor. This is also a critical component of the Parish’s mission and priorities.
The major components of the Outreach Ministry are:
- The Food Pantry:
- St. Joseph’s Food Pantry is open every Thursday, from 12 Noon until 4:00 pm, and is current serving over 150 families each week. If you are in need of food, please come! In the event of inclement weather, we follow the Pender County schools schedule and will close if schools are closed.
To help in our mission, please mail all donations to:
St. Joseph’s Food Pantry
1303 US 117S
Burgaw, NC 28425To contact the Director of the Food Pantry, please call 910-663-5507.
St. Joseph’s Food Pantry is an equal opportunity provider.
- St. Joseph’s Food Pantry is open every Thursday, from 12 Noon until 4:00 pm, and is current serving over 150 families each week. If you are in need of food, please come! In the event of inclement weather, we follow the Pender County schools schedule and will close if schools are closed.
- Catholic Charities Family Support Services
- Parish Aid to the Poor
- Parish Support for Meals-On-Wheels (Pender County)
- Assistance to “Shut-In” Parishioners Program